Thank you for discussing the struggles you faced while in the field Bethany. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that but know that you are not alone in your feelings. You know I haven't held back with talking about how hard field work truly is on your mental health, so please don't you hold back either, we owe it to those that come after us <3

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How brave to start talking about this! It’s a testament to how far you have come in the last year and a half.

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I long planned to go to Madagascar and when I joined Substack exactly one year ago you were one of the first accounts I checked! Some beautiful countries are underrepresented here.

Glad to see this story that explains how your idea came into being. Regarding the shady NGOs, I saw many of them in Africa. Right now writing a story on it.

Please don’t give up, keep in touch and keep writing.

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Wow that’s amazing. Well please let me know if you are still thinking of going! We would be happy to make you a tour! Thank you that’s lovely of you too say! Yes I will do

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Stunning article... Seriously. I feel like we have a lot of things to do to improve the world, and just few of us want to work that way. Most people out there just care about themselves, and, most rich people, just care about their money, and zero about the world. Thank you for your work, and I really wish you the best!!! We might be able to work together one day ☺️

Writing from a small safari agency also focusing on helping local communities and conservation ❤️

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